Wednesday, June 22, 2016

After Lasik San Antonio Patients Can Look Forward To Excellent Eyesight Again

By William Hall

Ask any person which of their senses they treasure most and in the vast majority of cases the answer will be eyesight. Without eyesight one becomes helpless and dependent upon others. People that are blind or have very poor eyesight are excluded from many of the pleasures of life. Fortunately, most conditions that cause blindness and poor eyesight can be treated. After lasik San Antonio patients are often able to see the world in a completely different light.

Laser eye surgery is very popular under people that are near sighted, far sighted or that suffer from astigmatism. During surgery the cornea is reshaped in order to ensure that the light travelling through the cornea is focused upon the retina at the back of the eye. By 1998 more than 28 million eye laser surgery procedures have been performed worldwide.

Laser surgery offer many benefits. Thee is a better than ninety six per cent chance that a patient will experience perfect sight after the procedure. The majority of patients find that they no longer need glasses or contact lenses. Pain or even mild discomfort is rare and patients do not need stitches or bandages. As patients age, further laser treatment is possible.

Millions of satisfied patients rejoice in the fact that they can once again enjoy activities and sports that they had to abandon due to poor eyesight. They no longer have to undergo eye tests every year or replace their lenses or glasses on a regular basis. The long term savings thus achieved more than makes up for the cost of the surgery.

Laser eye surgery is not completely without risk. A small number of patients develop infection after surgery and such infection can lead to the loss of eyesight. Other patients have reported halos, star bursts and other aberrations. There is also a small risk that patients may develop dry eye syndrome, although this can be corrected with eye drops. It is important to note however, that complications are extremely rare.

Complications that do occur are almost always due to patients that do not follow the instructions of the surgeon. After surgery, patients need to rest and they must avoid bright light for a while. If they go outside they need to be wearing dark glasses. They must complete a course of antibiotics and use special eye drops for a while. They must avoid agitating the eye by rubbing and wear an eye patch when going to sleep.

The cost of this type of surgery is covered by most medical insurance policies. The important thing is to find a surgeon that has ample experience in performing this procedure. Any reputable surgeon will first assess the patient to determine whether the procedure will benefit him and he will make sure his patient is informed about the process that will be followed, the potential risks and the side effects that may be expected.

Good eyesight is precious. It is vital to see a professional as soon as any problems are experienced or when they eye is injured. Far too many people go blind or lose a large percentage of their eyesight because they neglected to act in good time. As far as laser eye surgery goes, millions of highly satisfied patients will wholeheartedly recommend the procedure.

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