Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Basics About Wilmington Sports Injuries

By Donna Olson

All kinds of injuries that occur while exercising or during athletic activities are referred to as sports injuries. Injury result from a wide number of causes, including overuse of a certain part of the body, inadequate equipment, poor training practices, or accidents. This area of the medicine profession is very important not just in ensuring optimal performance of athletes, but also in various economic respects. In Wilmington sports injuries are handled by the most well qualified professionals in sports medicine.

Statistics show that more than three million children and teenagers engage in some kind of organized sport in the United States alone. Three million out of all these children are prevented from participation by injury caused by the sport. Although rare, deaths have been known to result from these injuries, with brain injury being the main cause of death. The effect of brain injury occurs in the vascular and nervous systems mostly.

Many contact sports like Gaelic football, rugby union, Australian rules football, American football, rugby league, and association football commonly result in traumatic injury. This games involve a high level of traumatic injury because of the dynamic and high degree of collision they involve. Players constantly collide with each other, objects, and with the ground. Unexpected dynamic forces due to sudden movement cause injury to joints and limbs.

Traumatic injury can be placed under several classes, such as, contusion, strain, sprain, wound, bone fracture, spinal cord injury, cramp, and head injury. Contusion is said to occur when small blood vessels are damaged, resulting in bleeding inside the tissues. Strain is caused by tearing and overstretching of muscle fibers causing trauma to muscles. Sprains occur in joints when ligaments are overstretched beyond their normal capacity.

Abrasion and puncturing of the skin results in wounds whereas bone fractures are caused by broken bones. Spinal cord injury results when the central nervous system is injured. Cramps also occur commonly to athletes. Immense pain resulting from strong contraction of muscles is what is called cramps. Cramps are easy to relieve since they reduce in severity when the muscles affected are massaged.

Professional sports are heavily characterized by injury, which makes many teams to associate closely with medical communities. Many teams also have team physicians. The subspecialty of the medicine profession that specializes in studying and researching injury in games in order to prevent or reduce severity is called Sports Medicine. Advancements in technology are causing this field to evolve rapidly.

Injury in games can be combated in many ways, including prevention. Many benefits have been linked to prevention, including longer duration of participation, reduced medical costs, healthier athletes, and better performance. Therefore, team trainers, sport teams, coaches, and individual athletes are often encouraged to attend sport injury prevention programs

Prevention of injury in games can be divided into three wide categories, that is, tertiary, secondary, and primary prevention. Primary prevention entails avoiding injury. Secondary prevention involves obtaining a diagnosis and treatment as soon as the injury happens. Lastly, tertiary prevention is concerned with rehabilitation to recover from traumatic injury.

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