Sunday, April 23, 2017

How Physiotherapy Modalities & Electrotherapy Are Used To Help Arthritis With A Chiropractor In Schererville

By Bertulda Zerna

For many people, arthritis is simply an accepted part of aging. Even though there really isn't a remedy for this uncomfortable condition, physiotherapists have long been searching for a way to promote ease of movement and relief.

Steady exercise can be very beneficial for those with arthritis, but the pain can often be overwhelming. In these instances, various forms of physiotherapy can assist in alleviating discomfort. These are helpful for people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis as well, which is a condition that younger people can experience if they're genetically predisposed to do so.

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) units can be effective for arthritis pain in some people, but TENS does not work for everyone, though it is effective for those it does work for. The unit, a small electrical device, stimulates the nerves with low voltage electricity in a way which blocks normal pain signals. Although TENS does nothing for the underlying cause of the pain, it can relieve the pain enough for you to get moving and work on strengthening your muscles and joints.

Another modality that is effective for arthritis, particularly in the knee, is ultrasound. This uses high energy sound waves to improve blood flow and reduce swelling and stiffness. It is essentially a way of applying a heat pack to your joints. Ultrasound is used by a chiropractor in Schererville in conjunction with physical therapy and home exercise programs to help reduce inflammation and restore range of motion.

Arthritis can also be relieved through cold or low level laser therapy - which functions a lot like ultrasound in terms of limiting inflammation and discomfort. This is performed with a low power, red laser. The laser does not cause heating. As such, there is never a fear of having laser burns or other forms of heat damage.

Any and all of these methods can be employed to alleviate the inflammation and pain of arthritis for improved movement and far less stiffness.

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