Sunday, February 24, 2019

Laser Therapy For Ankle Sprain Provides Relief Without The Intake Of Drugs

By Anna Hamilton

There are various drugs available for sprains and other types of injuries that cause pain and swelling. Some of the most commonly prescribed ones are referred to as non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs for short. While highly effective, many are steering clear of them due to the different the side effects. Doctors themselves admit that their administration also comes with certain health risks such as bleeding stomach ulcers and liver damage. Those who prefer a more drug free relief from pain and also swelling may give laser therapy for ankle sprain a try.

According to health authorities, the ankles are very complex joints. They're also regarded as weight bearing joints of the body. It's for these reasons exactly why they are highly susceptible to getting injured, such as being sprained.

More often than not, severe twisting or bending of the said joints is the reason why they end up sprained. Sometimes intense impact brought about by jumping is the culprit. Sprained ankles are highly common among athletes. However, even those who are not really into sports or other demanding physical activities may also end up with ankle sprains.

There are a few risk factors for ankle sprain, which are things that increase a person's chance of incurring such form of injury. Some of those include poor athletic conditioning and low fitness levels. Failure to warm up sufficiently before engaging in sports or exercise is a risk factor, too. Being obese or overweight is another risk factor as all the excess pounds are putting a lot of strain on the individual's ankles.

You may be tempted to take NSAIDs as soon as your injured ankles appear swollen and feel painful. NSAIDs help ease the unfavorable symptoms by inhibiting prostaglandin production. Put simply, prostaglandin is a compound manufactured by your body in response to an injury, and it can cause both pain and swelling.

While effective, NSAIDs are usually frowned upon due to their side effects. People who take them usually complain about ringing in the ears, nausea and vomiting. Severe indigestion may be encountered especially when NSAIDs are taken in between meals. There are also health risks associated with the intake of these medications for a long time and also at high doses. Some of them include stomach ulcers that bleed, kidney failure and liver damage.

Taking NSAIDs can be terrifying because of the side effects and risks. Due to this, many of those who are suffering from sprained ankles look for alternative solutions. A highly recommended drug free approach for dealing with pain and also swelling is laser therapy.

This form of treatment helps manage the symptoms by reducing swelling, which is something that contributes to pain. Laser also accelerates the healing process by encouraging faster cellular regeneration. After 3 to 5 sessions or as recommended by a physician, considerable reduction in the symptoms and also healing can be achieved. In some instances, laser is coupled with other alternative therapies such as acupuncture and poultices.

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