Monday, April 22, 2019

What You Need To Know About Light Therapy Provided By A Med Spa Plano Locals Go To

By Virginia McDonald

Skin aging and many other beauty issues can be remedied these days via non-surgical approaches. Due to the fact that they are less risky and more affordable than plastic surgery, a lot beauty-conscious people prefer them. There's a particular treatment that many love, and it's referred to as light therapy offered at a med spa Plano locals may regularly head to.

This solution utilizes visible light, just like what its name suggests. It can be easily mistaken for another sought-after cosmetic procedure called laser treatment. It's important to note that the said solutions use entirely different technologies.

Dermatologists say that light therapy and what's called intense pulsed light (IPL) are one and the same. The light utilized is powerful enough to make it past the topmost layer of your skin. Due to this, IPL can be used for a wide variety of cosmetic purposes. It goes without saying that it's the right solution for you if undergoing the knife is not one of your options.

One really popular use of IPL is for the elimination of fine lines and wrinkles. There are so many different things that can be blamed for the appearance of these unflattering aging signs. Stress, cigarette smoking, exposure to environmental pollutants and unhealthy eating are just some examples of those. However, dermatologists say that their leading cause is excessive exposure to the sun because UV light can damage collagen.

Collagen is a form of protein, and it's the one that makes your skin firm and looking young. So many of the best anti-aging creams out there can impress due to the fact that they contain collagen. Similar to laser, IPL has the ability to increase the amounts of collagen the body generates. Those unflattering aging signs end up less noticeable simply by increasing the skin's firmness. It's even possible for your wrinkles and fine lines to completely disappear if they're not that pronounced.

Light treatment is also very good for reducing the amounts of a dark-colored pigment called melanin. Aside from fine lines and wrinkles, UV rays given off by the sun can cause excess melanin to come into being. In other words, too much sun exposure can cause age or liver spots to form.

Those who are bugged by acne may take advantage of IPL. Undergoing it regularly can help put inflammation under control. In addition, visible light employed has the ability to kill acne-causing bacteria. Dermatologists suggest continued treatment even after having acne managed effectively. That's because the cosmetic procedure is also capable of considerably reducing scars acne is known to cause. IPL is recommended, too, for dealing with scars due to so many other reasons apart from acne.

Similar to laser procedure, this treatment is also proven to help effectively remove unwanted facial and body hair. That's because it has the ability to damage hair follicles. For best results, completing all of the prescribed number of treatments is encouraged. Maintenance once a year is recommended in order to preserve the outcome.

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