Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Designing Functional And Handy Military Antenna Mast

By Tammie Caldwell

Antennas used in military operations need to be functional, effective, and handy. There are so many innovations of antennas that weigh very lightly. Such designs are more preferred because militaries are already bringing a lot of heavy ammunitions and weapons. In manufacturing these, it is a never ending exploration and experimentation in order to come up with a final product that is cost effective and will require low cost manufacturing.

Communication in the field with other bases can be done using radio. A military antenna mast is not easy to manufacture. There are so many considerations like the cost of production including the raw materials and labor. On the other hand, the size, bandwidth, and capacity to deter radio signal interferences are notable considerations as well.

Users like to use lighter and handier antennas and communication system. Designers and engineers are having trouble regarding this because the demand for lighter and handier equipment has increased. These professionals are working on it but they cannot guarantee immediate outcome. They are still researching and altering the properties of these devices. They say that the bigger and higher radio waves can be captured more if the devices are taller, heavier, and bigger.

However, experts have outlined their concerns regarding the mast sizes. They have indicated that the bigger and taller the device is, the higher is its tendency to capture frequencies no matter how low the signals are. Such equipment are even a few inches to a few feet taller than the actual size of an adult man.

While users prefer the least heavy and the smallest sizes, designers are still incapable of giving them that. According to experts, the usual physics of creating such innovations has always been higher, heavier, bigger, which yield better receptions. Otherwise, there will be low frequencies which is impossible to communicate effectively between men at the base and men on the field.

It is easy to suggest that mobile phones be used. It may sound and look really easy to do but there are also loopholes in this. It is true that mobile phones are handier and that they are very efficient. But the question lies in its efficiency on any area and condition.

There is a need to modify first the structure of the cell phones to make its signals reach extensive distances. Phones normally need ground based signals to function more effectively. Most war zones have very limited or no access at all because of very few or even absence of infrastructures for phone networks.

Phones are prone to interferences in radio and signal. And if there are interferences, it is very difficult to reach the other side of the line, which in military operations, is the base. Moreover, if the base is not reached, they will not be able to report injured men in the battle.

Satellite communications are also very useful especially in disseminating information about the exact positions of the enemy in the battlefield. This is also very important for emergencies like calling medics for help. Thus, such systems are still being improved for these great heroes.

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