Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Benefits And Disadvantages Of Home Health Care Harrisburg PA

By April Briggs

Health treatment is entirely possible domestically, as opposed to a hospital or other facility such as a rehab center. Home health care Harrisburg PA is convenient and expedient for many. Plus it is more comfortable for the patient and less intimating. Seniors avail themselves of this service to a great extent and enjoy being able to receive needed therapy or medications in the privacy of their homes. Recovery from an injury that is of long duration also benefits from domiciliary medical support. Being homebound is not always a bad thing.

According to the data, 60% of those receiving domiciliary medical support have problems with mobility. Half have some type of muscle weakness and 40% suffer from dementia (of this about one third have Alzheimer's disease). You can see how important this type of care can be. In addition, those needing wound care, pain and drug management, injections, physical therapy, and treatment for serious debilitating illness are beneficiaries of domiciliary medical support. It is more than a convenience: it is a necessity.

Domiciliary medical support gives you personalized attention. The medical staff will pick up your prescriptions and remind you to take your medicine. They will check your home to make sure it is safe. They will help you with moving around your house and using a wheelchair. They will do personal grooming such as bathing, dressing and toileting. They will regularly check your blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and breathing. The staff will make sure you are eating the right food and not taking anything you aren't supposed to. They can also help with general shopping and preparing meals for you.

The health agent staff will talk to your doctor about your condition and the medical staff will keep your doctor updated. They can also transport you to and from doctor visits so you can stay updated with your doctor too. The staff will also talk to you about your illness and make sure you aren't in pain.

Domiciliary medical support is vital for many patients and seniors and is a blessing in disguise. There is no substitute for the attention and personal service. Your individual needs come first, plus you are with family in the privacy of your own home. A whopping 90% of the elderly desire to stay in a familiar environment with a health service professional. Only when necessary will they go to a medical center. It is a known fact that care in the house can be as good as a hospital or even better.

Cost can be a factor in determining the need for domiciliary medical support. Hospitals are very expensive averaging twenty dollars an hour or at least seventy per day. You must have insurance to cover this accruing expense. Nursing homes may or may not be eligible and if so, they run $200 per day. At the top of the heap are assisted care homes at $3,000 a month.

There are only a few drawbacks to domiciliary medical support, the major one being lack of round the clock access to physicians. However, those who are not seriously ill do not need to worry about this factor and a doctor can be visited as needed. There is also little socialization with other patients as in a live-in residential home, but one does have a caregiver on hand. An active social life is known to be therapeutic and may be lacking with the domiciliary medical support option.

Insurance plans for the aging will cover much of the domiciliary medical support expenses and Medicare and Medicaid will step in for those who quality. The patient or the immediate family must check the insurance policy for details in order to avoid missing opportunities. Furthermore, one's doctor will try to assign care based on the available plan.

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