Friday, November 13, 2015

If You Are Tired Of Boring Painted Walls, Learn About Artisan Plaster Walls In Brooklyn

By Mark Marabut

If you are looking for a home improvement project that can instantly change the look and feel of any room, forget about a new coat of paint and consider artisan plaster walls instead. Plaster provides a variety of advantages over other wall coverings and adds an elegant touch to any interior design. Brooklyn interior wall finishing professionals can help with everything from creative design to installation.

Venetian plaster and American clay plaster are two popular finishes for residential renovations. Venetian plaster is made of ground marble and limestone. Clay plaster combines clay, sand, and natural pigments.

Plaster is an environmentally friendly building material. The ingredients are all natural and sustainable resources. Plaster acts as a insulator, which can save on home heating and cooling costs.

You can plaster the walls in any room of the house. The high pH of lime plaster inhibits the growth of mold, so it is effective even in areas that experience high humidity. Plaster helps improve indoor air quality because the ingredients are non-toxic.

Appliances, plastics, and electronics create a positive charge in the environment. Because it release negative ions, clay offers the added advantage of counteracting that positive charge and creating a more please environment. With no static charge, airborne contaminants cannot cling to the surface.

Plaster is durable and among the easiest finishes to maintain. Premixed pigments will not fade. Water permeates freely and evaporates quickly eliminating any worry about moisture becoming trapped under the surface. Professionals can apply a variety of techniques to create texture when applying plaster. The design options are endless if you hire a skilled installer. When it is time to give your home a makeover, consider environmentally friendly and durable plaster for an interesting alternative to traditional paint.

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