Monday, February 1, 2016

Tips On How To Handle A Picky Eater

By Brian Foster

A lot of parents would have a hard time with their children during meal time because some are very fussy when it comes to food. Some kids basically do not have the stomach to eat a lot of food while others just do not want to cooperate. So if one is a parent with a fussy child, here are the ways on how to handle this picky eater.

Now the first thing that any parent has to take note of is to always be patient and to never use force because force breeds retaliation. Of course force will also make the child think that eating time is a chore and will not want to cooperate at all. So the key there is to always make sure to be patient.

Next, always stick to a routine to make sure that the child is comfortable with his eating time. Children in general are beings that strictly follow routines which means that if there is a sudden change in routine, then there will be some struggle. So as much as possible, always stick to the same eating time everyday.

Now another thing that one has to take note of is that new dishes will take some time to get used to. Now if one is trying to make his or her child eat something new, then patience is a must when introducing the food. Of course one has to be patient because the child will probably not want to eat it right away.

Of course it is also very important that parents will stick to what the kid likes. If for example, the child likes a certain dish, then it would be good for the parents to stick to that certain dish quite a lot so that the child will not show any resistance. Parents should only slowly introduce new dishes to the child and feed it along with the dishes that he likes.

Now a big mistake that a lot of parents would commit is that they would try to bribe their kids to eat with a cookie or something yummy. Do take note that this is not only unhealthy but it is also bad for the mental conditioning of the kid. In the future, the kid will always want something in return and will make that thinking into a habit.

Now it was mentioned earlier that meal time is often a chore for children so the best way to address that is to make it fun. The best way to make meal time really fun is to always bring out the toys of the kid during meal time. Once the kid plays while he eats, then he will slowly associate eating time with play time and will automatically enjoy.

Now for the parents out there who have to deal with their fussy children, hopefully these tips will be of help. Always remember that the primary rule would be to make sure that one has to be patient when dealing with kids. Conditioning the mind of a kid is quite a task but if one knows how to do this, then everything will go smoother.

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