Tuesday, April 12, 2016

OT: How To Stay Motivated

By Joyce Reed

Remaining motivated can at times be tough. Motivation is not the same as magic. There is no pill that you can take for it to get motivated, but it is something that you can tap into. The following OT steps can help you in your journey to remaining motivated.

Though you do not have control over what happens to you, you do have control over how to handle it once it has happened. You must seek to develop a positive environment, and you will start becoming more motivated to achieve your goals and dreams. There are different ways to remain motivated.

Have an expectancy attitude- with this kind of attitude; you are assured that you will get everything you expect. Have expectations for each new day and be sure that something great will happen to you.

Break your goal down into pieces. A major stress source in life comes from the feeling that you have some things to accomplish, some of which seem impossible. If you start a project and attempt to complete it all at once, you will likely get overwhelmed. You must, therefore, break your project down into smaller realistic steps. Handle each step at a time so as to be guaranteed of success.

Read positive information- when you feel your mind with information that is uplifting and inspiring, you get to remain motivated at all times. Go online and look for materials that will give you a morale boost. The materials can either be in audio or PDF formats.

Quit playing the victim: You should stop saying that you are doing something because you do not have a choice. You always have an option in every action you take or a decision you make. If you choose to remain in a place that is not right for you, or is not positive, you will be victimizing yourself.

Make prior determinations on how to deal with flagging determination. It is inevitable that at one point you will come across some setbacks. When this happens, you need to have something or someone that can motivate you to get back on track so as to achieve your targets.

A positive, infectious attitude can change your life. You must infuse your mind with great thoughts at all times so as to produce positive results in life. Having the right attitude will help you face life in a more positive manner. Positivity is required if one is to make substantial achievements in his or her life. It is difficult to achieve anything when you are surrounded by negative people, who only see the bad things in life, and never the positive aspects that it has to offer.

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