Saturday, December 24, 2016

Learn About Better Spine Health With Trusted Charlotte Upper Cervical Chiropractor

By Ma Lillibeth Coper Incipido

The spine is an integral part of the human body. Keeping the spine in balance is therefore vital to maintaining overall health and the spine can often be literally supported in a broad range of ways.

The Atlas orthogonal method is one of the latest techniques. This method requires the use of a computer-aided pulse that precisely restores the skull back to perfect alignment with the atlas or top vertebrae.

As an adult head weighs eight to ten pounds, the head being off center affects the entire body, pushing the center of gravity off to one side and shifting the entire spine. Most of us are compensating for some misalignment of the spine - and these compensations can then lead to pain in the spine and joints.

Misalignment of the skull may not create any symptoms and it can be the result of a number of issues - the major one being a car accident (whiplash can also have this effects along with strained or sprained muscles and tendons at the neck) and a chiropractor can correct these things. Things like bad posture, stress and even unhealthy sleeping positions can be a source of discomfort as well. Correcting problems like these requires that energy flow properly throughout the human nervous system.

Functional and holistic approaches are used by the best professionals and these individuals will help you safely and naturally improve your posture. An upper cervical chiropractor Charlotte will use various, instrument-assisted methods to straighten out the neck and the spine including the activator method.

This improves spine health and thus the overall balance of the body, and reduces the risk of disc problems and radiated pain into the limbs developing. Most of us think our spines are healthier than they are, so even people experiencing no symptoms can benefit from proper chiropractic evaluation and care.

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