Monday, July 31, 2017

Can Organic Mosquito Control Help Against SLEV?

By David Kellan

St. Louis encephalitis virus is a disease that's caused and spread by mosquito bites. Despite its name, this illness has been seen throughout the entire country, meaning that anyone can be at risk if they don't take the necessary precautions. One of them is simply known as organic mosquito control. Before we get to this topic, however, here are a few things that you should know about SLEV in order to better protect yourself.

If you're bitten by an infected mosquito, you may be likely to contract SLEV. What you may not know - and anyone that offers mosquito spraying Long Island services will attest to this - is that some groups are at greater risk than others. The older you are, the more likely it is that you will develop SLEV as a result of a mosquito bite. Companies along the lines of Alternative Earthcare are hired for reasons such as this.

There are many illnesses with apparent symptoms, though SLEV is a unique case. Most cases are undiagnosed, the main reason being that clinical signs aren't apparent. With that said, there are many people with SLEV that suffer from fever, nausea, chills, and a lack of balance. Problems like these can affect one's quality of life in the worst way, meaning that medical attention should be sought out.

While there's no solid treatment in place for SLEV, there are ways to prevent it from arising. Along with the aforementioned mosquito control, you can prevent things further by being mindful of when you go outside. Mosquitoes are especially active during the warmer months of the year. In addition, you should apply repellent to your property so that these pests will be less likely to make their presence on your lawn. These are just a few ways to reduce the risk of SLEV.

Hopefully these details have given you a better understanding of SLEV and how it may be prevented in the future. Mosquito bites aren't to be taken lightly, especially as the weather warms and the heat intensifies. This is when mosquitoes will be the most active, so it stands to reason that cases of SLEV will be more likely to arise. By taking care of yourself, as well as your family, you won't have to concern yourself much with this condition.

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