Sunday, August 6, 2017

Latin Community Seeks Care From Spanish Speaking Chiropractor SE Portland

By Allan Iacovelli

Healthcare providers are doing more to reach the Latin community and provide education regarding the health issues affecting them. A Spanish speaking chiropractor SE Portland makes it much easier for these individuals to have their concerns addressed and improve general wellness.

Even though the Hispanic population of the U. S. Is among the largest and growing fast, very few of its members take advantage of chiropractic care. Chiropractors are recognizing a need to make education regarding alternative means to traditional medicine available to this specific group. Those who are English fluent are far more likely to know about the services being offered than those who speak only Spanish.

When someone who exclusively speaks Spanish uses healthcare services, they quite often have difficulty understanding the explanations and instructions given by the doctor. In fact, the language barrier sometimes leads to the practitioner not even trying to explain. Its a huge hurdle when ongoing care is necessary. It can even affect one's ability to complete the necessary office or insurance paperwork.

A Spanish speaking chiropractor who has years of experience working with patients, especially those who have sustained auto accident or work-related injuries, can be extremely helpful to the Latin community when it comes to chiropractic care. Just as they do for English-speakers, the chiropractor and his team would help Spanish-speaking patients fill out forms and understand their rights and responsibilities as they pertain to insurance claims and benefits. Navigating all the paperwork can be confusing even when you speak and read the language it is written in; it's virtually impossible for patients trying to communicate in a language they're not familiar with.

The office can communicate with the patient's accident attorney if necessary, to make sure they have all the required information regarding the extent of the injuries sustained and the recommended therapeutic regimen.

A Spanish speaking chiropractic professional can provide culturally appropriate, patient centered care to a community that needs it. They understand that each patient is an individual and just how stressful dealing with workplace injuries and accidents can be. By providing the individual with services and information in their familiar language, a lot of stress and barriers are removed, leaving patients free to concentrate on their health needs.

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