Friday, September 22, 2017

Various Methods For Dental Anesthesia

By Deborah Ross

Dental procedures are mostly completely painless today. Even so, most people feel some level of anxiety at least just thinking about this. That's why dentists usually combine different medication to make it all more comfortable for their patients. So, here are some info about different types of dental anesthesia you can expect in any dental clinic. Your dentist will provide any additional info on site.

The most common type of medicine used for local anesthesia is Novocain. This medicine is typically administered as an injection directly into the surgical area. Novocaine numbs the entire area really effectively, temporarily preventing the teeth nerve fibers from transmitting impulses to your brain. That's why the patients feel no pain at all during their procedures, and Novocain alone can be used really effectively.

Using Novocain stops the pain, yes, but most patients cannot face such procedures nevertheless. Their irrational fear, or anxiety, makes such things unbearable for them, and that's why dentists often combine the painkiller with anti anxiety drugs additionally. They use oral medications, Laughing gas or i. V. Sedation to make your time spent with them more comfortable.

When it comes to various orally taken medications, the most popular ones are probably Ativan and Valium. They should be taken up to one hour prior to surgical procedure. Thanks to the fact these drugs might have various side effects, someone has to be there with such patients to bring them home safely after everything is done. Dizziness is quite common side effect, for example.

Oral medications have moderately strong anti anxiety effect on most patients. They will feel more relaxed and more comfortable during their procedures. Of course, they will also receive the appropriate dose of Novocain. All in all, combining pain killers with anti-anxiety drugs might be the best solution for most patients, and it won't significantly affect the total costs.

Lighter level of relaxation can be achieved using so called laughing gas, or Nitrous oxide. The patient should inhale this gas through a nasal mask, several times, according to his or her wishes. The amount depends of the patient, and this is really an advantage. Besides, this method is simple, doesn't cost much and provides some level of relaxation, without any side effects, or hangover effect,

Intravenous sedation is the most effective anti anxiety method and probably the best for those patients who have some serious anxiety problems when it comes to different surgical procedures of this type. It will put those patients in completely relaxed and comfortable state, easing their anxiety issues and fears related to their surgical procedure.

Twilight sleep or I. V. Sedation is the most expensive method, but also the most effective one. It makes the patient completely unaware of the procedure, although they will remain awake during it. It will also cause so called hangover effect, and such patients must have an escort to come home safely. These effects might remain there for some time, and this must be taken into consideration as well.

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