Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Best Alzheimer Care Santa Clara Option

By Patrick Powell

People with Alzheimer require varying levels of care and attention. This is determined by the stage of illness and availability of such facilities or services. The search for the best Alzheimer care Santa Clara services should begin as soon as the doctor makes the diagnosis. It allows you to involve the patient in making decisions about the kind of attention he or she gets. This simplifies your work.

The choice made for a patient will be determined by a number of factors. The first option for most people is to take care of the person at home. This provides a familiar surrounding which enhances independence. It is only after the condition has advanced that residential care is considered. This usually happens when the victim requires a lot of attention.

The patients should be cared for at home during the early days. This is advantageous because the environment is family. He or she can relate to the sights and sounds. A few modifications may be required to accommodate the new condition. As the caregiver, you should see the place from the point of view of a person with dementia. Consult a specialist to guide you on necessary modifications based on need.

Modifications done to the home include removal of objects that are likely to cause injuries. Areas that are hazardous like stairways, storage areas and workrooms should also be locked. Dark alleys like stairways should be well lit. All medication and chemical substances should be locked in a cabinet or drawer.

A patient of Alzheimer requires a lot of attention. This causes a stain to family members and caregivers. It is also not possible to provide the care required because you are not a professional and also might have social or personal engagements from time to time. Home care services are an option because professionals will be visiting your loved ones. The caregivers also provide the companionship required by such patients to enhance their quality of life.

There are adult day centers that provide relief to caregivers who have to go to work or attend social functions. You will drop the patient in the morning and return to pick him in the evening. Throughout the day, he will get the best professional care possible. The centers also provide an opportunity to socialize and get specialized therapy. The option is convenient because it gives you an assurance that your loved one is receiving the attention required and also allows you to run your errands.

The option of residential care is recommended when the condition has worsened. The facilities provide an opportunity for the patient to receive professional help through meals and therapy. You have the option of assisted living, nursing homes and Alzheimer patient units. Assisted living caters for people who are yet to lose all their faculties. Nursing homes come with medical professionals with advanced knowledge. The specialized units for Alzheimer patients are exclusive and provide a higher level of service.

Which option is best for your loved one? It is impossible to get a clear answer without assessing the needs. How available are family members and at what stage is the patient. Choose a facility and option that is convenient to enable family members to maintain contact. There are financial implications, but they should never overshadow the need for professional services.

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