Friday, February 1, 2019

Are You Desperate For Angina Relief? Follow These Simple Steps

By Paul Hill

People who experience recurrent stabbing pains in their chests could be suffering from a blocked artery in their hearts. Several lifestyle choices lead to the development of this disease. However, there are a variety of measures you can take to provide angina relief.

The first thing your doctor will do is to establish which kind of artery blockage you suffer from. The most common is known as chronic stable angina and unstable angina. The first is characterized by a heart that needs to work hard while the second is known for causing pain in the chest that escalates in intensity. As the condition becomes worse you may need to go to the hospital.

If you suffer from the milder variety of this condition there is only a slim chance of you going to the hospital. This variety of angina makes your heart work much harder to transport oxygen in your body. This exertion of your cardio muscle leads to discomfort. Individuals with this variety will often experience relief after periods of rest. This condition causes stable aches brought on by exercise.

The second most common variety is the most serious. Although the pain will be the same type as in the milder form of angina, however, it will gradually become more intense. If you believe that you suffer from this condition the best idea is to see your doctor as soon as possible. They will most likely prescribe several medications or probably place a stent. This is a procedure where a small tube is placed in the artery to keep it open. If the blockage is severe you may be sent for coronary bypass surgery.

Commonly, when you are diagnosed with this condition you will be prescribed medications to deal with the symptoms. Aspirin is a drug that may make a significant impact on your condition. It helps to thin your blood and help your blood flow through your arteries smoothly. Other medications prescribed for Angina are Nitrates. They relax your blood vessels and help them widen. This increases the blood flow to your heart.

Angina that has progressed to the later more severe stages will often require some sort of surgery. The doctor will either decide that a stent needs to be placed or an angioplasty needs to be performed. This is a procedure where a catheter is placed into an artery in your groin. They will then insert a small balloon all the way up into your heart. This will help to open up the blockage however it will not keep it open forever.

The best way to treat this condition is to change the way you live your life. Stop smoking as soon as you can. Avoid all unhealthy fats and replace them with lean protein and fresh produce. The experts also recommend that you make a significant change in your activity levels. Move around more and try to exercise daily. Not only is it good for your heart but it will help you to keep your weight in check and provide relief.

Although this condition can be life-threatening a few small changes will help you reverse the effects. Get into the habit of healthy living and take your prescribed medications and you will avoid serious complications related to your disease.

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