Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Finally Kick The Habit With Smoking Cessation Programs West Springfield

By Mattie Knight

With smoking being banned in many public places across the country, it can be said that its popularity is waning and fast becoming a thing of the past. Although there are many smokers out there, their numbers are quickly dwindling. Many smokers are kicking the habit one at a time and reaping the many benefits of being a non smoker. Some did it cold turkey on their own, and that is to be admired. But there are easier ways to quit than cold turkey and that is by using smoking cessation programs West Springfield MA area.

A smoker is not only affecting their health but those around them from producing second hand smoke which is just as deadly. All across the nation states are putting a ban on cigarette smoking more and more, and the most recent ban is smoking in your vehicle with young children under 18 present. It is something that is just becoming taboo in society.

Many desire to quit this bad habit but don't know how. Addiction to cigarettes is real because of the dependence on the nicotine contained in them. It is perhaps the number one most common addiction in our world. For those who may have trouble quitting there are programs to assist in this process and make the transition easier.

Some of the programs available for quitting include one on one and group counseling, using nicotine replacement therapy such as nicotine patches, gums and lozenges, as well as inhalers and nasal sprays that can help ease the withdrawal symptoms. Many may turn to non nicotine therapies such as medications that help you to stop smoking. You will need to consult with your doctor on whether this method is right for you.

If you are thinking about quitting you will first need to change your mindset about the habit. You may be tired of smelling like smoke and having stained teeth and fingers. The first thing you will need to do to quit is have a plan in place for quitting and have a support system. This is counseling is important, it could be in person, over the phone or online but do have someone you can talk to when you need them.

Next you will have to change certain habits such as your morning routine. If the first thing you do is get a cup of coffee and light up a cigarette, change this habit to something that is healthier like having a morning workout or eating a healthy breakfast and try to abstain from the coffee as this could be a trigger to causing your craving for a cigarette.

Changing one's habits can be difficult to say the least but it is possible to change a bad habit into a good one with a little time and patience. If you are having a difficult time keeping on track with your goal of quitting talk to someone who can encourage you in your efforts. You will be surprised at how quickly the craving will pass.

It may take anywhere, from three weeks to a month before you begin to truly feel the benefits of quitting but your health will thank you in the long run. You will be able to do more things without getting short of breath and your heart and lungs will begin to get healthy again. You owe it to yourself and your family to keep healthy so you can enjoy a long life together.

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